Monday 17 January 2011

Godly Play (David and Goliath dolls)

As I said in my previous post I would add different characters as and when I needed them. Here's the first one- Goliath, simply using a larger bead and longer pipe cleaners, and a few embellishments.
Goliath here pictured against another doll to show the hight difference.
David and some sheep- which were incredibly easy to make simply rolling up to woolen fleece sewing together, poking pipe cleaners through fabric underside and sewing on a face.

I am advocate of the concept of Godly play when "sharing" bible stories with children, which is based upon Montessori's principles and ideas. But I am not purist and simply love the opportunity for children to engage and explore stories and concepts at their level. Having resources available for children to explore at their own leisure (including in the home) feels to me comparable to an adult pondering the greatest theological questions. There are a couple of good links that explore this in greater depth Godly Play at Home and Watkins Every Flavour Bean, I particularly agree with "watkins..." views on Godly play.

"Religious ideas and stories are given tangible form that encourages the child to 'handle' and work out the ideas and their feelings for themselves. This helps the children to really get 'in' to the story in reflective and 'playful' frame of mind - the mode in which they do their deepest 'work', engaging with their whole selves - mind body and spirit.
Every story or 'lesson' has its own handcrafted set of figures or objects, made from wood or fabric wherever possible. The children are encouraged to handle these things (just as the ideas they symbolize) with great care - as things of beauty, meaning and which will last. There is nothing plastic, disposable or broken. The quality of the materials is matched by an attempt to strive for simplicity of design. Figures do not have detailed features or colorful clothes, for example, to allow children to project imaginatively their own feelings and ideas about the narrative." (

David and Goliath play scene ready for children to play with.
David's seven brothers "chillin" before Samuel visits and David in the background.
David minding his sheep, I could have added a staff but I ran out of brown pipe cleaners (hence why david has black arms).
Saul and Samuel, with Goliath in the background.


  1. Again, these are just crazy gorgeous!

    I am going to add your blog to my "Godly Play" list over at my blog.

    If you wouldn't mind throwing "Godly Play" on to your tag list for these post it would help people find them.

    Even if they are "easy" you clearly have a gift. These are really beautiful.

  2. :) Thanks again, i was gonna add godly play but i added them to bible will get to adding that in a mo

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! I just bought some peg dolls to make into bible characters. I'm now following you, and I hope you'll stop by and take a gander at my blog. :-)
