Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Bloggers Award!

What a surprise!! I have received a Versatile Bloggers Award!!! award from Honey at Mondorfment. I have seen others getting awards before but never got one myself so a huge thank you to you Honey.

There are rules to receiving this award which apparently is not uncommon so here goes.

Rule number 1:

Thank the person who gave you your award.

Already done, but thank you again I'm just glad you found it helpful and "versatile"

Rule number 2:

Share seven things about yourself.

  1. I work in early years special education.
  2. I spend large proportions of my time day dreaming creative ideas, particularly making things for kids needs. One day I'll make a fortune with some of them (I doubt it)
  3. I set up my website in order to share some of my ideas, because I wanted to preserve them and help others and didn't have the time or commitment to make a fortune from them.
  4. I set up the alljoinin blog because I couldn't always add stuff really quickly to my website and was really into reading others blogs so thought it would be a good option and it really has been great.
  5. I am a Christian, my faith is who I am
  6. I am desperate to adopt a child with special needs.
  7. I think I haven't quite grown up yet (prob never will) and still love skipping and dancing and singing as if no one is watching.

Rule number 3:

Pass the award onto 15 bloggers whom you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!

  1. The Work Plan
  2. Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs
  3. The Crafty Crow
  4. Little Blossoms
  5. Learning and Teaching with Preschooler
  6. Playscapes
  7. Preschool-daze
  8. Brick by Brick
  9. Patti's Nursery School
  10. There's a Dragon in my Art Room
  11. Sippy Cup Central
  12. 4 Crazy Kings
  13. Teach Mama
  14. Tot Play
  15. Joyful Mama's Place


  1. haven't managed to let theres a dragon in my classroom or totplay know. if anyone has contact please inform them, and I will keep trying

  2. Thank you so much for the award!! This is a huge compliment coming from someone who has such inspiration in their work. I didn't know you worked with special needs children. The first job I had was an assisitant in a special education classroom this is where my inspiration came from to work with children. I have a lot of respect for you!!! Thank you!!

  3. You are awesome, thanks for the award. You really made my day.Karen
    Sippy Cup Central

  4. Thank You for thinking of me. It's been a long hard day and this was a nice way to finish it off with. Thanks

  5. Hi, it's me at There's a Dragon in my Art Room! I just discovered your 'award' to me while revamping my blog. Cool! Thank you!! It will take me a few days to follow up on passing on the award, etc, but I will do it. Check back at my blog in a few days to read my 7 things about myself!
