You all know my opinion about going with interests, well when all straight things are being used as lightsabers one must find appropriate means to create a safe environment. So I anounced I will make fabric lightsabers for you! Child replied "Fabric is floppy a lightsaber is straight and hard." My reply was I will find a way to make it, mmm that was going to require sewing :( so after a bit of googling I found
these swimming woggle lightsabers (USA Pool Noodle) perfect!!! So off to poundland I told the person I paid what they were for she smiled and said "Each to their own" think she thought I was a nutter.

I would however suggest that rules are created to support safe play when allowing children to engage in activity that may result in potential physical contact. The rules in this picture were created in collaboration with children, when doing this be mindful of making an effort to create rules that tell children what they are supposed to do rather that not do. This is sometimes difficult for children to create, so at least attempt a balance or some compromise. Two more rules have been added "When an adult is not around jedi practice only (no lightsaber contact) and "Only play with people who have agreed or want to keep playing"
Lastly on a safety note after you have cut the foam it will be sharp, I suggest you tape the end that has been cut as it will scratch. Alternatively squish or stamp on the end.